
T;:) holaa
:P I like this
Rebata:  look me^o)
T  siii
1481 hola
Rebata:   you look me?
;) Im happy
:S No see you
I only see the lamp
You very are happy tonight ^o)
TONI 正在回應您的通話。掛斷 (Alt+Q)
:) holaa
:P I like this
look me^o)
Yes, Qiu (The girl of the store of shoes) and  her  husband
need for six months,i think so
six months ? sure?
Qiu need with husband and Looks after the baby and the shop
Qiu , now is in living in Madrid
with her baby
Does not have the time to teach me,yes i know
Qiu the nex month arrive here in Calella
But you didn't you take pills? *-)
Qiu for you Other girls' telephones contact them^o)
yes ,withyou i dont take pills
^o) now?
And the past year you take a lot
A yes
4 year
:( Why?
We can take a baby together
1 or 2 years
Because you do not want the baby,,before
now you like :|
^o) The first year not
But the last year you take many pills
I had to have hidden them
you were afraid the baby before because you did not understand me
Si, hidden
now you very understand me
and you?
i no understand you:'(
Would you dare to have a baby?
now noo
now no?
Because you are in network very many women
If you no want a family , I need to look for one
LOOK for one
yes i know
The years pass quick
i want ,but can you want pay me Living expense
mabye 500Euro
8-) Hayyy my bad girl!!
,i and no bad
But , do you want a husband or a boss?
the same
Next time you again will tell me the answer
:( You want only another boss
In Asia is same
A boss but that doesn't have sugar
husband needs to provide wife the living expense
In Asia the girlfriend's parents pay to the husband
so that it takes it to him of house

your income?
That is the Chinese minority area
And india, and pakistan, and Vietnam, and Indonesia
Asian some areas like the Indonesian Thailand
I am not live in the Vietnamese Thailand Indonesia
You will be very expensive. *-)
8-) You prefer your boss
no more
i no prefer any one
You looked me the same the Thai girls
:^) You dont love me, only prefer the mony
noo,the same you prefer mony
8-) well , Im tired. Im go to sleep.
You fine only have the baby
Is late
ok ,bye
(K) bye am11:15:30


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