Sat, 19 Feb 2005 18:22:34 GMT

Hello my dear
I like a lot to hear another time your voice for telephone.
I needed it, I made me be near you.
Write me when you can.
Explain to me how your work goes.
Send me more yours pictures other time.
I hope you are not very thin by reason of the work.
A kiss.
I love you.
2005年4月23日 上午 01:33:20
How is my girl from Taiwan?
I find that your sister doesn't want to stay in Taiwan. She prefers USA.
I don't know if your store project continues ahead.
I know that you have many concerns.
I wanted to speak a lot with you but looking at us in front of front.
I will send you very soon the money of the trip, the same as the other time for Western-Union.
We would maybe have more time, one month, two or three to be together. What do you find?
Although in Julio and August I cannot have my apartment.
I wanted to be tomorrow with you.
What do we make both alone so far?
Today is the party of "Sant Jordy". In this day the boys give a rose to the girl that he love.
2005年5月2日 下午 07:44:08
I am worried by you.
I know that you are alone.
I know that your sister would prefer to be in USA.
It is better to live and to work in Spain. 1 Euro = 1,30 Dolar
Here also there are a lot of people from China working. In Barcelona 60.000 Chinese. But your sister has her boyfriend in USA.
Don't have depresion for not being able to her to help, she is already bigger.
I know that to live in another country with another people, with other customs is very difficult.
Don't worry, soon we will be together. We will speak of many things.
I will send you the money of the trip in the same place that the last year.
I understand you. Don't worry, I love you a lot.
2005年5月7日 上午 02:08:23
Hola my beautiful
I am very happy of seeing you in the pictures, but I will be even happier when I sees you in front of my. You are wonderful.
Tell me where you picked up the money that I sent you last year the to send it to you other time for Western Union .
Tell me where there are you toss the pictures that you have sent me.
Is your sister now with you?
You don't tell me that little time will be together. I want to be a lot of time with you, a lot.
I would like to kiss your sweet lips now.
I love you.

2005年5月23日 上午 01:48:36
Hola my
I am also anxious to be next to you.
Soon we will be together and we won't be alone.
I wait with great illusion the moment to be in the airport of Barcelona.
I am still making works of amplification of the business, but don't worry, everything goes well.
I love you a lot.
2005年6月18日 上午 12:33:32

Tell me if the trip has gone well.
I am very alone.
I love you a lot.
2005年6月25日 下午 12:10:02
¡ Hola my sweet
 It seems impossible that some days ago you were next to my and now be another alone time.
The day that I callet you it had just arrived of my apartament. I had not still dared go to see it. I was afraid of finding it so empty. There were many everywhere good memories.
Two weeks it is very little time to be together. I know that I could not have a lot of time to be together because I had a lot of work, but when I was with you I forgot everything.
I don't know because you have left so soon.
I have rented that apartment to the girl of the store of shoes QIU JIN FEN for one year. 280 Euros a month, ( it is cheap ).
I have not understood what you told me in your email of this apartament. Repeat it other time.
I miss you a lot.
A sweet kiss for my sweet

2005年7月1日 上午 12:55:34
Hola my
I am little sad because you tell me that you left my side because it connected me with other girls in Internet. They are only friends. I have friends in Internet and in Calella. It is normal. It is true that there are some girls that want to hunt me but I don't leave myself.
Since I know you I have not had serious relationship with anybody. Neither I have gone to the bed with anybody. You are very special for my. There am I toss things for you that there am not I toss for anybody. You are maybe a little jealous.
We have rented the small apartment to the chinese girl of the store of shoes. It seems good girl. I already know that the price of the rent is very cheap.
First it will be her alone, his brother that lives in another city maybe later comes and the boyfriend of her is in Madrid. What you tell me of the contract I already knew it. I already have experience. There is him I toss.
I also miss a lot you.

Sun, 24 Jul 2005 23:16:10 +0200
Hola my
I am worried by you.
Yesterday you told me that you were sick.
Tell me how today you are. Are you well?
Tell me if everything is well.
How do you have the work? Economically you are well?
I suffer for you.
Tell me something.

Fri, 29 Jul 2005 22:26:55 +0200

Hola mi preciosa
Hello my beautiful
I suffer for you because I want to be to you side.
I wanted to take care these days that you are sick, I wanted to protect you and to love you, because you are it that more I want.
I sometimes think that you would not have to have gone yourself of my side.
I am alone and you are alone. We are two fools.

Ms. Quiu already lives together with its brother Hong in the small apartment.
She also came some days the boyfriend of Quiu that lives in Madrid.
Quiu has many clients in the store of shoes, she work a lot.
Quiu asks me when you will come another time and I tell him that maybe in Christmas. It would be wonderful that you could come.
I am always thinking of you. Don't cut you the hair, you have it beautiful. To my I like it a lot. I also like a lot the tanga that you bought in Calella. When I remember it I have more heat.
I love you a lot and I want to be next to you.
2005年8月5日 下午 06:51:22
Hello my
How is my bad girl?
You are wonderful.
Yesterday you made me very happy.
It seemed that I could have you among my arms.
I wanted to eat up to kisses.
Today I have been excited the whole day.
Before I had every day your image in my head; now more.
The mexican girlfriend 5 years ago doesn't have it.
I love you a lot Hsieh. Really.
2005年8月9日 上午 01:16:48
Hello my bad girl.
Every day you are more beautiful.
Thank you to send me the pages to be able to make the translation. It is easier.
Now I understand you better.
You tell me that I have many women . Because what luck that I have. For that reason I am alone.
You tell me that you would like to live with me.
This year I send you the money of the airplane tiket, I told you that you stayed more time with me, but you preferred to visit the friend from Switzerland first.
Alone we were together two weeks. I toll you that you stayed the whole summer, but you didn't want. You bigger sister called you the whole time.
For sure you would like to live with me?

2005年8月20日 上午 01:39:39
Hello my
Maybe I have expressed myself bad or you have not maybe understood well.
I had a girl friend from Mexico. The relationship with the Mexican friend finished four years ago.
In June when you were with me you found me speaking with a woman, this woman not was the Mexican friend.
I have many friends, boys and girls but they are only friends.
I knew that you would think bad or in a mistaken way when seeing the woman photo in the computer. But you are only special for my.
I don't understand well what you tell me of the Chinese girl. Is the Chinese girl of the store of shoes maybe?
I don't have relationship with her. Are you jelous of her?
There are not reasons. I want you to be calm.
That of the money of the trip doesn't have importance, I gave it to you because I love you. If I didn't have love for you I would not have sent it to you.
But I didn't like you to see other friends in the same trip. Neither I liked your secrets and contradictions. Neither I liked you not to tell me the trip to Czechoslovakia. Why didn't you tell it to me?
I hope to be in the messenger and to explain to you it.
I love you.
2005年11月12日 下午 08:34:56
Hello my jealous Rebata.
This afternoon I could not speak with you because I was working and clients entered.
It was connected to the Internet lowering music for the store.
Don't get angry. Be not jealous.
I love you. You know it.
I hope speak with you when you wake up.
Don't worry. You are my treasure.
2005年11月14日 上午 01:14:23
Yesterday you believed that I was still connected to Internet, but it was true. I was already disconnected a long time ago. I don't know what made you believe that I was still connected.
When I had just spoken with you I went to fall asleep. Yesterday and today I am a little sick, cold or flu.
I love you more than what you think.
2005年11月14日 上午 01:30:51
How to disable the automatic renovation?
To avoid payments to should disable the option automatic renovation, it consents to the system, You selects to buy and make click in the connection to change the "renovation state".
You will be requested then that you confirm that you want to disable your renovation of Subscription, make click in the button yes to disable the Automatic Renovation.
2005年11月22日 上午 02:43:07
Hello my sweet girl.
The money will send it to you as the other times and in the same place. For Western Union.
I will already send you the identification key.
2006年2月13日 上午 03:19:55
Hola my rebata.
Have you already forgotten me?

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