



 2007/1/26    台北上午09:29:13 是西班牙時間凌晨03:29在 MSN                  


T:  ¡Hola darling!
上午 09:29:13 Re :  hola 
               -) ¿Hola?
T:                ;) Hola my bad girl
R :              SIiiii
T:           1481 How are you?
R :           Sii i am fine and you^o)
T :             |-) With a lot of dream but happy to see you
T :                       can I see you?
R :                                    nooo
T :                          :-O ¡Nooo...!
T :                                Why?
 R                                     *-)
R :                                  Because I just got out of bed
T :                         Have not you combed yourself this morning?
R :                              Washes the face washes the hair not
T :                            I like uncombed and with face of dream
 R                                    1481
 T                                  yes,i need you love(K)
T :                                   8-) me too
T :                        *-)I want swee you
上午 09:37:49 T :                 74 si, si, si, si
上午 09:38:28 T                 邀請您啟動檢視網路攝影機影像,您要接受 (Alt+C) 或拒絕 (Alt+D) 邀請嗎?
09:39:08 R :    no .I send you     email looked before and you^o)
 T                              Siii hola 
R :                       i look you
T :                          8-) Yes , but I dont see you
T :                         inviteme si?
R :                   noooo
T :                       Why?
Re                            Siii
Re:                  i explain very clearly
Re :                                 before
Re :                       no look me,ok^o)
T :                           you are always beautiful
Re ;                                 Sure;)
T :                          1481 sure
Re :                              all the same before
T :                           I will remember this way when you woke up to my side.
T :                             WOKE
Re :                              very cold there ^o)
T :                            Si, today bery cold
T:                             I need your heat
T :                              inviteme
Re :                       I like the movie which you makes(K)
T :                           :$ sure?
 T                             How do I want to do^o)
 Re                                         I have shame
T                                             give my heat^o)
 Re                                 :) You want make?
 T:                                      make wahat^o)
T:                                              How matter make
 T:                              make love:P
T:                           You want make the same?
Re:                     i dont know
Re:                         have eight days not to wash the hair:P
T:                     :-O 8b days?
Re:                               Siii
T:                            This is not good for te hair
 Re:                               mm
Re:                  |-)My computer formula recleans up
T:                           recleans?
Re:                      Loses very many information
T:                    put on a hat, but connect you.
Re:                  connect ^o)
T:                 What are there I toss to lose information?
Re:                   The system formula has the damage
T:                 I dont understand
T:                              Nooo
Re:                         i no lost you make for me
T:                           S I dont understand
Re:                      Movie ,you make fore me
Re:                             yes
T:                           Remembers your camera:P
 T:                                I i need this
Re                          i need a lot for me:$
T                  What do you need?
T:                                   I need see you
Re:                     will be unable to solve the life problem in Spain
T:                            inviteme please
 T:                                        why|-)
T:                               because I like see you
T:                              comb you a little.
T:                                                   go
上午 10:09:12 T                          inviteme
上午 10:09:33   Re :^) 
Re:                                        Next time:-*ok
T:  :                           '( nooo
T:                       I see you now
午 10:10:29                                       正在邀請 T 進行視訊通話... 掛斷 (Alt+Q)
上午 10:10:40 T                     正在回應您的通話。掛斷 (Alt+Q)
T:  :)                                                        holaa
T: :                                         P I like this

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