
Remarks: Participants are requested to read the below.
 Registration Time and Tour Time
AM; Registration Time: 09:20 to 09:30, Tour Time: 09:30 to 12:10
PM; Registration Time: 13:20 to 13:30, Tour Time: 13:30 to 16:10
 The representative of the tour group should bring a copy of this
"Reservation message" printed.
 Admission Fee (Adult: 3,000 JPY/person, Child: 1,500 JPY/person) is
requested to pay at the reception desk during the registration time on the
tour day.
 Each participant have to sign on the pledge which shows the restriction and
remark during the tour
 Participants are not allowed to bring their belongings (except for
valuables) which can not be fastened to their body. In this case, the
belongings should be left in the designated place (the conference room in
the Bridge Exhibition Center) during the tour
Participants must keep their cameras and cell phones with neck strap
prepared by the organizers. In case of their valuables which can not be
fastened to their body, please use a bag (a net bag) prepared by the
Participants must put on "Bridge wear" and a hard hat prepared by the
organizers, for their safety during the tour.
Participants must put on shoes with rubber sole. It is dangerous to put on
shoes with plastic sole or leather sole because of their slipperiness, and
shoes without heel such as slippers. Participants are not allowed to put on
high heels because the floor of the maintenance way is made of open grid
Participants are not allowed to use stick, baby carriage, or wheelchair,
because they are pinched in the gap on the floor of the maintenance way.
Participants are not allowed to drink, eat or smoke during the tour.
 Fence, 138cm to 158cm high, is installed in the deck of the tower top;
therefore, participants may not see the view depending on their height.
Bridge World may be cancelled when it is not possible to conduct the tour
under bad weather conditions, such as heavy rain, strong wind, thunderbolt
alarm, etc. If participants wonder whether the tour will be held or not due
to bad weather, please call the secretariat of the tour (phone:
+81-78-784-3396) directly. Participants can call the secretariat of the tour to check the conditionduring the time shown in below.
When you join the tour in the morning,
Please call the secretariat after 07:30 on the day.
When you join the tour in the afternoon,
Please call the secretariat after 11:00 on the day.
However, the tour may be cancelled right before starting the tour due to
sudden weather change. Contact for Inquiries
Secretariat of Bridge World
Open on April 1, 2011 to November 27, 2011
Phone: +81-78-784-3396
 When participants cancel the tour, please inform the secretariat of Bridge
World of that as soon as possible.
 When participants drive to the meeting place through Kobe Line of Hanshin
Expressway, please leave for the meeting place earlier than you expect
because traffic congestion occurs sometimes in the expressway. In this case,
you are recommended that you get out of the expressway at Takamaru IC of
Second Shin-mei Expressway.
 When participants come from Shikoku or
, you are recommended
that you get out of the expressway at Tarumi IC of Kobe-Awaji-Naruto
Expressway.The below shows how to go to the meeting place.
Secretary of Bridge World
Open on February 1, 2011 to November 27, 2011Hours
9:00 to 17:00regular holidayMonday (Holidays in
is excluded. )Address   
4-115 Higashi-Maiko-cho, Tarumi-ku,
Meeting Place  Address:Higashi-Maiko-cho, Tarumi-ku, Kobe 655-0047

The 1st Floor,

地址東舞子町垂水區神戶655-0047 一樓,明石海峽大橋展覽中心火車JR神戶線舞妓,舞妓,公園在三洋電機火車站站約5分鐘步行到車站公路巴士:Kosoku舞巴士站步行約5分鐘的巴士站

212011開業到20111127時間9:0017:00定期假日  週一(日本假期除外。)地址4-115東舞子町,垂水區神戶 655-0047電話傳真+81-78-787-5110+81-78-784-3396傳真+81-78-787-5110電子郵件
橋明石海峽大橋的世界是一個有吸引力的參觀明石海峽大橋的頂端明石海峽大橋正如你所知,在世界上跨度最長的懸索橋,這在吉尼斯紀錄中提到。請欣賞約兩個半小時的橋樑自行遊覽,盡快,因為參觀的日期是有限的前橋之旅,誰知道一個領導者的明石海峽大橋的一切說明了旅遊大綱和你橋。您可以觀看視頻,顯示了設計,施工和大橋的維護的詳細記錄當然,視頻(DVD呈現給你然後,您訪問的明石海峽大橋橋展覽中心。您可以實現對大橋的歷史和先進的技術,這顯示了大量的面板和模型給你。您可以了解大橋的巨大的結構設計和建造。請不要擔心,您的領隊解釋給你橋的一切。當然,你可以質疑任何有關他的大橋。參觀完中心,橋旅遊開始於去年。您的旅遊開始從錨地,這是一個巨大的混凝土結構。然後,您可以享受與許多驚心動魄的橋樑,同時看到精彩的世界你從未經歷過在空中的保養方式行走當然,你可以採取任何照片而走經過 一公里 競走,您請在塔軸抬起,並爬上了塔頂,在人知道它。最後,您是大橋的頂部。你在哪裡高度約為海拔300你能得到科比的罰款意見該觀點只為你當你轉向另一邊,你可以享受淡路島,瀨戶內海的明石海峽大橋其他塔的美麗景色。他們都在等著你!你應該保存你的相機的空間你是考慮到您的姓名,日期和註冊號,當然,橋旅遊認證,您可以得到與從塔頂的壯麗景色的紀念大量照片。當然,你可以參加旅遊連連!無論如何,請各旅行社的申請吧參加者不得使用棍子童車或輪椅因為他們是在對地板的保養方式的差距擠壓參賽者不准喝酒,吃飯或在遊覽煙霧。 護欄138厘米158厘米是安裝在塔頂平台;因此,參加者可能看不到他們的高度上的觀點不同
)直接參加者可致電秘書處參觀檢查 conditionduring中所示的時間當您加入在上午遊覽,撥打當日07:30後秘書處
當參加者取消遊覽請通知秘書處橋那個世界盡快 當學員開車到會場通過阪神神戶線高速公路,請在離開會場比你早預料因為交通擁塞發生時有時在高速公路。在這種情況下建議你在高速公路出的高丸IC
二是新梅高速公路。 當學員從四國或淡路島來了建議你得到的高速公路出在垂水的神戶淡路鳴門 IC高速公路




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