2004/5第一次來這家餐廳位於LLORET  DE  MAR

2005/5自己一個人去鄰近小鎮Malgrat de  mar。火車站前一家高級飯店。以下是在將要去之前和回國以後那一段時間的來信。


Hola my beautiful .  

Today I have sent you the money of the trip. 

You will be able to him to pick up it in the same place that the last year.  

You have to give the following code:  6400514178  

And my name:  

They are :   833 Euros  or  1009,30  Dollars  

I don't want to spend your money.  

I miss you a lot.  

You are beautiful in the pictures that you have sent me.  

When I see you I wanted to hug you. 

You tell me that you want to bring me you sew for the store, but I don't have permission to sell there things  . Now I am making a bigger local, but it is for machines of rent of movies.  

I understand you good heart, but I don't want you to come loaded  with things in the baggage.  

I love you a lot.


Hola my   

I  am  very  nervous  because  the  day  of  seeing  you  another  time  it  is  arriving.  

Tell  me  if  everything  goes  well.  

Do  you  have  the  suitcases  you  toss ? 

I  understand  that  you  will  arrive  at  the  airport  of  Barcelona  the  day  May  31  at  17:35   o'clock  to  the  terminal   A.  

This  is  my  number  of  mobile  telephone  for  if  there  is  some  problem  when  you  arrive  in  Barcelona.  

         My  Telephone mobile:xxxxxxx  

I  am  wanting  to  go  to  the  airport  to  look  for  you. 

I  miss  you  a  lot. 

Hello  my  

Your  words  sometimes  scare  me. 

You  are  maybe  thinking  things  that  are  not  reality.  

I  don't  have  Internet  to  contact  with  women  and  to  have  relationships  with  them.  

At  the  beginning  of  having  Internet,  5  years  ago,  I  entered  in  a  page  of  contacts  to  see  girls  that  were  there.  

I  met  a  Mexican  girl  whith  I  had  a  very  strong  friendship.  It  lasted  two  years.  I  wanted  it  and  I  believe  that  her  to  me  also,  although  I  believe  that  for  her  I  was  only  an  adventure  before  marrying  in  Mexico.  

I  have  had  my  announcement  or  my  profile  in  Internet  much  time,  maybe  hoping  to  find  the  appropriate  girl.  

Many  girls  have  written  me,  but  none  is  as  you.  

Since  I  met  you,  I  have  not  had  sexual  relationships  with  anybody.  You  are  very  special  for  my  and  I  love  you. 

I  am  still  single  the  same  as  my  brother  because  I  am  afraid  of  the  failures  that  have  seen  of  many  couples.  It  is  very  sad  to  deposit  all  the  love  in  a  person  and  later  for  any  reason  to  separate.  For  that  reason  I  am  afraid  to  marry.  I  am  afraid  to  the  failure.  

Tomorrow  I  will  write  you  more. 

A  kiss  for  you.  I  love  you.


Hola I  think  that  you  are  mad  with  me  and  I  don't  understand  reason.  

You  precipitate  exit  of  my  side  neither  understands  it.  

Two  weeks  a  year  it  is  very  little  to  know  us  well.  

We  would  have  much  more  time  to  be  together.  

I  don't  understand  what  you  write  me  well.  It  is  difficult  to  translate  it.  And  what  I  understand  each  other  doesn't  like  what  you  say.  

I  believe  that  you  have  jealousies.  You  don't  have  to  have  jealousies.  Since  I  met  you  I  have  only  had  relationships  you  become  intimate  with  you.  There  has  not  been  another  woman.  

Tell  me  that  it  happens  you.  

Don't  write  long  sentences.  Write  me  short  sentences,  I  will  be  able  to  this  way  to  understand  each  other  better.  

You  know  that  I  love  you.  





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