Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2005 19:47:56 +0200
Hello my little treasure.
I am informing for to make you the papers so that we can be together.

1== I need you to send me three photos of your identification card.
2==Addres and home.
3== Name of your mother and your father.
4==Certificate of penal. ( That have never had some problem with the justice ).
5== Complete photocopy of the whole passport ( Of all the leaves ).

When you send me all this I will already be able to process the papers.
Until soon.

Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2004 04:57:17 +0200
Hello my beautiful
I have not written you for many days, but it is not
because I
has forgotten, it is that I had my computer to repair.
The more time passes, more I find you to miss my side.
Encounter to lack your sweetness, your fineness, your love. It
something that don't have the Spanish girls and that alone the

oriental girls possess.
Do you remember the Chinese store that is near my house?
day they happen for before my house this Chinese family with

their small children; when I see them I have a special
I sometimes see your pictures and I am a lot of time
at them. I have bought a new printer to print pictures and
want to have yours bigger. It is as having you more fence.
I also have to control my love for you. I sometimes think
it would be good that we lived together; other times I think
it would be correct. I have to think many things.
Soon I write you again. I cannot forget. You these in my

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 05:12:41 +0200
Hello my small and sweet
How are you?
These days are the parties of my city. They make many
things, but I am alone and sad without you.
I think of the things that we could make together and my
feelings are sad for not being able to be to your side.
I received your e-mail with the two difficult options. I
understand you. It is not easy.
Maybe if you made as your friend " Gloria "; to make of
guide and to organize trips for Spain; but not for all
alone in Barcelona, Gerona, Tarragona, Andorra, Carcassonne,
Montserrat, Lloret.
Tourists' from China groups or Taiwan. To hire a hotel in
Calella and to make trips to different places, like they
the Germans, Dutch or Englishmen.
You would maybe win more money than working in Taipei. You
continue working with the same travel agency.
I could help you. I know many things about this because I
worked many years in hotels and I know like it works.
I already know that everything is difficult, but think it.
is a possibility.
What do you find?
I keep all it yours as a treasure. I still have all the
that your you gave me and you sent ( I don't want to spend
it is everything for you, I send it to you again ).
These days of parties in Calella I would want you to be
I miss you. 








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