波爾圖的地鐵還蠻新的。2005/10才完成,總共才分為藍線與黃線,今天網路上已經多出了紅色線。票價依Zone來區分;〈共七個Zone‧票價0.8-1.8歐〉買一種叫andante地鐵票很划算,不限次數購票後一小時內,可無限次數搭乘奎卡電車及纜車。當要選擇住宿二晚在這裡時。首先考慮的一定是距離地鐵近不近?距離火車站近不近?上Hostel.com訂房網站,因為之前網友推薦的那間三星級酒店並不便宜,五月份是單人房35歐/1人,再找離地鐵站近一點的,像Sao Bento應該是主要地鐵戰。我尋這個方向找到一間19歐/1晚的Hostel。衝動的給它訂下去。其實它距離不算遠,不過是四人房含早餐。但是它所形容的有點讓人擔心會不會太吵:
Rivoli Cinema Hostel is in the Porto historical centre, right at the most important city square– Avenida dos Aliados- where you can find streets full of monuments, restaurants, cafes, esplanades, shops, supermarkets, shopping, tourism info spots.   Address: Rua Dr. Magalhães Lemos 83,
Porto ,

By metro: arriving from the Airport, you have to take line E and leave in Trindade station and you just have to walk 10 min. If you want to continue and leave at the Hostel’s doorstep then in Trindade change to line D direction D. Joao II and leave in Aliados station (1st station after Trindade).
You are 10 min from Trindade station (main station downtown).
By train: arriving in Campanhã station (from Lisbon , Coimbra , etc) makes sure your train ends in S. Bento Station. Otherwise, you will have to change to another line (normally number 2). The hostel is 200 m from S. Bento Station.
By bus: If you are coming to Porto from an international line you will arrive at Internorte station at Praça da Galiza, catch bus number 200 till Praça da Liberdade stop and walk Avenida dos Aliados look for Rivoli Theatre, the hostel is right across the street.
Coming by Rede Expressos station, when you get out the station turn right and cross all the Batalha square until Santa Catarina street, walk down, until Avenida dos Aliados, look for Rivoli Theatre, the hostel is right across the street.
If you ask someone for the hostel directions make reference to Rivoli Theatre, the hostel is right across the street.

步行到 Rivoli Cinema Hostel 的路線指示  

0.3 公里 大約 4 分鐘  

 Sao Bento葡萄牙  

1. 朝北,走Praca de Almeida Garrett,往Praca da Liberdade前進 55 公尺 
2. R. de Sa da Bandeira處微靠右走 0.1 公里  

3. 向左轉,朝R. do Bonjardim前進 7 公尺  

4. R. do Bonjardim口向右轉 0.1 公里  

5. R. do Dr. Magalhaes Lemos口向左轉  

目的地將在左邊 56 公尺  

 Rivoli Cinema Hostel  

Rua Dr. Magalhaes Lemos 83, 1st Floor, Porto ,  

這些指示僅適用於規劃目的。 您可能會發現實際路況會因道路施工、交通狀況、天氣或其他活動,而與地圖結果有出入。您必須根據實際路況規劃您的路線並遵守路線上所有的指示或標誌。

Hostel Info  

p. +351 931174127
e. rivolicinemahostel@gmail.com


Rivoli Cinema Hostel
Rua Dr.
Magalhães Lemos 83, 1st Floor


又覺得不是很妥當。看到 一間好像更好一點所以又再詳細研究了一陣;這一間也不錯的單人房附衛浴,不附早餐有網路,價格45/2晚。好像比四人房還要共用衛浴要好一點了。 
Residencial Cristo Rei
With easy access the hotel is served by Bolhão Metro Station or Campo 24 de Agosto Station , 100 metros from which Oporto airport, Campanhã railway station, FC Porto Stadium,
Museums and Music House can be reached directly


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