最近瘋狂的跟網友聯絡旅遊計劃,雖然是忙裡偷閒但是那顆想飛的心仍然不減阿.以下是格格寄給我的行程表;也許我們不完全照著走但希望去奧地利感染一下風韻猶存的音樂之都維也納:但願希望能實現囉 Day Date City Schedule Hotel World Heritate Site Price Other Expense Notes
1 10/16/06 Depart to Zurich New York Statue of Liberty (1984)
2 10/17/06 Depart to Zurich
3 10/18/06 Zurich-Liechtenstein-Salzburg Liechtenstein 鄒媽媽民宿 € 30.00 € 80.00
4 10/19/06 Salzburg Salzburg 鄒媽媽民宿 Historic Centre of the City of Salzburg (1996) € 30.00 € 40.00 Salz Erlebnis Ticket
5 10/20/06 Salzburg-Hallstatt Hallstatt Salzkammergut Gasthaus Simony Hallstatt-Dachstein Salzkammergut Cultural Landscape (1997) € 35.00 € 80.00
6 10/21/06 Salzburg Salzburg 鄒媽媽民宿 € 30.00 € 100.00 Best of Mozart Concert
7 10/22/06 Salzburg-Vienna Vienna Hostel Ruthensteiner Historic Centre of Vienna (2001) Palace and Gardens of Schönbrunn (1996) € 28.00 € 40.00
8 10/23/06 Vienna-Wachau-Vienna Wachau cruise Hostel Ruthensteiner Wachau Cultural Landscape (2000) € 28.00 € 60.00
9 10/24/06 Vienna Vienna Hostel Ruthensteiner € 28.00 € 40.00
10 10/25/06 Vienna-Graz Vienna Mariahilf Semmering Railway (1998) € 51.00 € 50.00
11 10/26/06 Graz-Venezia Graz night train City of Graz - Historic Centre (1999)   € 100.00
12 10/27/06 Venezia Venezia Guerrini Venice and its Lagoon (1987) € 70.00 € 50.00
13 10/28/06 Venezia Venezia Guerrini € 70.00 € 80.00
14 10/29/06 Venezia-Murano-Burano-Venezia Murano, Burano, Lido Islands Guerrini € 70.00 € 50.00
15 10/30/06 Venezia-Roma night train Venezia night train   € 100.00
16 10/31/06 Roma Roma € 50.00 € 50.00
17 11/1/06 Roma Tivoli Villa Adriana (Tivoli) (1999) Villa d'Este, Tivoli (2001) € 50.00 € 60.00 Gelato di San Crispino
18 11/2/06 Roma-Pompei-Napoli Pompei, Napoli Colombo Historic Centre of Naples (1995) Archaeological Areas of Pompei, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata (1997) € 40.00 € 40.00
19 11/3/06 Napoli-Sorrento-Capri-Amalfi Sorrento, Capri Island Bonadies Ravello € 77.00 € 80.00 TDFJ35270CG
20 11/4/06 Amalfi Coas-Napoli Positano, Amalfi Coast, Ravello, Napoli Costiera Amalfitana (1997) € 40.00 € 80.00
21 11/5/06 Napoli-Caserta-Roma 18th-Century Royal Palace at Caserta with the Park, the Aqueduct of Vanvitelli, and the San Leucio Complex (1997) € 50.00 € 80.00
22 11/6/06 Roma € 50.00 € 80.00
23 11/7/06 Roma Augustus Forum; Aula Regia of the Domus Flavia on the Palatine Hill; Basilica Aemilia in the Roman Forum; Caracalla Baths; The Natatio; Colosseum, interior; Nero's Domus Aurea; private rooms; Pantheon, interior; Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus; Theatre of Pompeius in the Campus Martius Historic Centre of Rome, the Properties of the Holy See in that City Enjoying Extraterritorial Rights and San Paolo Fuori le Mura (1980, 1990) € 50.00 € 40.00
24 11/8/06 Roma Vatican City Vatican City (1984) € 50.00 € 40.00
25 11/9/06 Roma-Firenze Ester € 30.00 € 60.00
26 11/10/06 Firenze-Lucca-Pisa-Firenze Pissa leaning tower, Lucca Ester Piazza del Duomo, Pisa (1987) € 30.00 € 60.00
27 11/11/06 Firenze Ester Historic Centre of Florence (1982) € 30.00 € 40.00
28 11/12/06 Firenze-San Gimignano-Siena-Firenze San Gimignano, Siena Ester Historic Centre of San Gimignano (1990) Historic Centre of Siena (1995) € 30.00 € 60.00
29 11/13/06 Firenze Bologna, Ravenna Ester Early Christian Monuments of Ravenna (1996) € 30.00 € 60.00
30 11/14/06 Firenze-Assisi- Ester Assisi, the Basilica of San Francesco and Other Franciscan Sites (2000) € 30.00 € 80.00
31 11/15/06 Firenze Outlet-the Mall-Shopping Day Ester € 30.00 € 80.00
32 11/16/06 Firenze-Verona Verona (Opera) Piccolo City of Verona (2000) € 60.00 € 50.00
33 11/17/06 Verona-Vicenza-Verona Vicenza, Verona Piccolo City of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto (1994, 1996) € 60.00 € 50.00
34 11/18/06 Verona-Bardolino-Verona Bardolino Piccolo Leisure winery trip € 60.00 € 50.00
35 11/19/06 Verona-Milano Milano Garda € 45.00
36 11/20/06 Milan-Como-Bellagio-Milano Como, Bellagio Garda Church and Dominican Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie with "The Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci (1980) € 45.00 € 50.00
37 11/21/06 Milano Milano Garda Sacri Monti of Piedmont and Lombardy (2003) € 45.00 € 50.00
38 11/22/06 Milano-Zurich Zurich Goldenes Schwert SFr. 90.00 € 80.00
39 11/23/06 Zurich-Lax
Total € 1,542.00 € 2,190.00

GRAND TOTAL € 3,732.00


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