我報名雄獅的北海道五天團二萬找十塊。後來因為表姊兒子正要轉職空檔實在想鼓勵他出去走走轉換心境。於是改了他的名字。辦理完約十天後.臨出發前一個上班日才收到業務寄來說明書。隔日假日連絡不上該團領隊孫潔媛小姐。出發當日早上特別打電話請她幫忙留意,每個溫泉飯店如有賣備長炭產品。領隊說那裡很少,有的話也很貴。並回說如果大阪有便宜的,看它願不意幫妳寄到北海道?掛了電話我上網找到大阪該網站,表明意思但穫得答覆是看不懂英文。日文我寫也是咕狗大神的,大概也看不懂。因此轉向團體札幌最後二晚住宿的王子飯店。飯店回覆很快並說明附近的商店名稱地址,電話和價格.說離飯店走路只要15分鐘;雖然覺得貴很多,仍然向飯店表明願意買。因連絡不到團體,請飯店在雄獅團抵達後說明經過。飯店答覆是將盡快連絡雄獅領隊,反應此事。誰料這領隊當天晚上約八點才到飯店;還好是住二晚.即使她要處理應該也沒問題,隔日一早請櫃台叫貨送到櫃台晚上還是會回到該飯店,我給姪子五萬日圓抽9500日圓買12kg一袋備長炭其他再怎買還是夠,因為團體包吃住的。但這事情沒有我想像單純。當團體回台再了解情況後,再次寫信詢問札幌王子:他們的答覆是的確第一晚晚到但隔天可以去那店面買,叫領隊帶我姪子去;領隊說叫我姪子自己做計程車去。也沒有幫他找計程車。小孩既不懂英日文,如何跟櫃台溝通?更扯的是領隊當晚自己說是跟團員出去吃飯,我姪子自己跟櫃台要求按摩,他語文都不通飯店也回信說櫃台不可能直接跟姪子說話,那是領隊替他叫的?對外面買東西冷處理對飯店叫人來按摩又如此熱心?一小時5000多日圓她有傭金抽頭?事後又推說她完全不知情。而且按摩的半夜12點來按到一點那其他室友在抗議嚴重影響他的睡眠。領隊竟一推二五三就是什麼都不知道。我早求證 札幌王子 過 了。他們答覆的跟領隊說的完全不 符合還是硬坳。老實承認疏忽我也不致怒火中燒!何況我到客訴 部門說:結論是:這不是我們服務的範圍!我們服務的是你姪子不是服務妳!試問不是我報名哪來我姪子?不是我贊助哪來肥羊捧場去免稅店?這樣一味掩耳盜鈴,護短和推卸責任。這不是我認識的雄獅旅遊!當然領隊眼裡只要有肥羊不會放過?姪子 社會經歷不夠花錢買經驗就算了;可是連基本的請她幫忙跟櫃台說要叫個貨品都不要做,是何來服務態度?這樣的領隊說實在一點職業道德都沒有。枉費我多年參加雄獅的團;一顆老鼠屎壞了一鍋粥。雄獅已經今非昔比了。任令領隊在外面胡搞總有一天會出事!如果回到飯店後就不是妳的服務範圍,那麼札幌飯店為什麼要答應我這些事情;顯然日本的服務是真心的台灣的服務是工作是敷衍了事!怕熱就別進廚房,怕麻煩還要當領隊?在家當公主小姐好了!以下是從它們團出第二天我跟日本方面的連繫。再怎樣用心.還是領隊擺一道就前功盡棄。
札幌プリンスホテル 宿泊予約"
Thank you for traveling to JAPAN,and visiting SAPPORO.
I'm afraid of telling you we do not sell Japanese products charcoal,
but you can buy it at the shop " HOSHINO fuel " which is located downtown
SAPPORO.*Japanese name of shop = Hoshino Nenryo-ten 星野燃料店
*address south4,west2 chuo-ku Sapporo *phone 011-221-5753
The cost of one of a Japanese products charcoal for 12kg bag is 9,450Yen.
It takes about 15 -20 minuets to get to there on foot from Sapporo PrinceHotel.I leave a mail address of the shop for in case you need more information about charcoal. hosino@bz01.plala.or.jp
I hope this information helps you.Best regards,Room Reservation : Sato Rika Sapporo Prince Hotel PH: 81-11-241-1111
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 9:29 PM
Subject: RE: Information from Sapporo Prince Hotel
Dear Mr
Thank you for your information only Lions tour group members to participate in my sister son alone, I was afraid he can not find the shop selling the city center, I hope you can help contact the store to the restaurant charcoal,even if the price is not cheap because it is Hokkaido Not Osaka. As long as it has quality assurance. I hope his son can be brought back to Taiwan. Groups will arrive tomorrow night Prince Hotel. My sister son name is Lu Li Qin.xxx 樣 Thank you for helping
Im sorry what's happened on your sisters son during his stay at our hotel.
After we received your last massage about your worries,I ordered our
reception staff to tell it the Lion tour guide and help him to go to the shop.I found a reception staff who attend on their group check in May 4,and checked what our staff asked exactly to the guide. The tour group has arrived at hotel around 8:00PM, and then our reception staff informed to the guide that one of the tour member, Mr. Lu Li樣 needs to buyJapanese products charcoal.The staff (him) explained to the guide about shop where is possible to buy it, and also shop address, open-closed time,etc, and Mr. Lu Li Qin needs help.
The shop was already closed when they arrived at hotel on 4th of May, but they were going to stay for 2 night in our hotel, so it is possible to go to the shop on next day. We can not understand why the help(message?) was given to your sisters son so late on midnight.
I'm really sorry again what happened and we were not able to talk to your sisters son directly, because the staff doesn't speak Chinese. hope your understandings.Best regards
- May 15 Sun 2011 17:46
2011/5 雄獅旅遊之今非昔比〈硬坳〉